Saturday, January 4, 2014

When You Least Expect It

The other day, I was watching Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory. The original one, not the creepy Johnny Depp one. Also, by "watching", I mean it was playing and I was half listening, half doing other things. In this half listening stage, I heard the following: "When? When will things change?" - Charlie. "Probably when you least expect it." - Charlie's mom.

This got me thinking. Is this why so many people are terrified of change? Do they not like change because, for the most part, it's completely uncontrollable? Obviously, there are some things in your life that you can change that you have complete control over, but say you walk into work one morning and all of a sudden it's managed by a brand new team. Automatically you are on guard because you don't know these people, you don't know their management style, and they also don't know you. It's like you're back at square one on your first day of work there. It's also, for the most part, completely uncontrollable in relationships, and I don't mean boyfriend/girlfriend relationships. Face it: some people are just really good liars and then, one day, they show their true colors. Maybe a blog for another day but it's been scientifically proven that people do not act of out character. If they've done something slimy once, chances are they will continue to slime you.

You know what I think about change, though? Laissez faire. Whenever I find myself wondering how I'm going to pay a bill, I don't stress over it. I think of ways I might be able to get more income, but mostly I just realize that it's in God's hands. If I'm supposed to pay that bill, He will provide. When it comes to finding "the right man" (does it exist?), why stress out on going on all of these dates and hunting when it could very easily come out of the blue, when you least expect it? I do have a tendency to set my expectations for people too high sometimes. But when I do, it's because I have complete faith that they won't slime me. However, not setting expectations allows you to completely focus on other things that just overall make you happier. Beside, then you aren't setting yourself up for disappointment. Therefore, this year I am going to just let things happen. If something is supposed to happen, woohoo. If not, not sweat off of my back. Just remember, when one door closes, another one opens. Looking at my track record, I should have a pretty dang big door coming. ;)

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