Monday, May 12, 2014

Five Ways to Win My Heart

1. Be passionate about my passions. Tennis, traveling, and Alpha Delta Pi are those said passions. Actually, I think I'll retract that first sentence. Although being passionate about my passions would be fantastic, I think I'm okay with being allowed to be passionate about my passions. Be supportive of me being addicted to tennis instead of making fun of me for it. Listen to me vent when my sorority makes me want to rip my hair out. Take trips with me or just be willing to visit new things in the area. 
2. Allow me to be me. I'm a strange being. I'm proud of being strange. There is no other me in this world. I'm blunt. I laugh at myself. I'm too sarcastic for my own good. I'm open minded and allow others to be their true self. I'm completely okay if you don't like me, just don't try to change me to benefit you.
3. Be yourself. I do not want to be with a sheep. I want you to have your own thoughts and opinions and be able to back them up. I want you to have your own passions and not care how dorky or nerdy they are. Be true to yourself. Don't lie to yourself and don't lie to me.
4. Respect me. I'm a lady, not a play thing. It does not get you any brownie points if you state your opinion on my body, except if you called me beautiful or pretty. Everyone knows that guys typically have on subject on their minds. Keep it as a thought and please don't verbalize it. It's usually not very becoming.
5. Spoil me. Okay, maybe not spoil me, but make me feel wanted. I want to know that you are thinking about me. For example: 'good morning' texts, flowers just because, little things just because they reminded you of me, taking me out.

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