Sunday, November 29, 2015

Nice to Meet You

If I could meet anyone ever, it would have to be my younger self. I do not have any regrets in life, but there are some things that I would change if I were given another shot. For example, college. Yes, I graduated with a Bachelors of Science in International Business. I do not, however, have anywhere near the GPA that I should have gotten. I would go back and teach myself time management at an earlier age. I would also teach myself financial stability at an earlier age. I would probably also tell myself to take up tennis earlier and to invest more time and money in to it. Some other advice I would tell myself is to not sweat the small stuff. Why get worked up about something that doesn't really matter in the grand scheme of things? I think that my last piece of advice to myself would be to take more opportunities to travel. I'm almost 29 years old now and I have not been to nearly as many places as I would have liked. There's so much out there to do and see!

Thursday, November 12, 2015

Shuffle It Up

Since I have nothing else better to do (which I really have a lot to do but I'm procrastinating), I decided to put my Spotify on shuffle and list the first 6 songs that pop up with some additional fun info about each of the songs. 

1. When I'm Gone - 3 Doors Down: In this song, they sing "love me when I'm gone". Are they talking permanently? Upon listening to it further, it seems to be that the person singing the song is afraid of losing the person that they are singing to. It appears that they will do anything to stay with this person, but then they even admit that maybe they are just blind. I think we are all blind in our own way. There are many, many things in this world that we as humans know are not good for us but we decided to ignore logic and go with what we want to be the best for us. Most of the time, however, holding on is only because we are afraid of the potential pain that would be released if we let go.

2. R.O.C.K. in the U.S.A. - John Mellencamp: I really don't have much to say about this song. It reminds me of watching fireworks as a kid because songs like this would be blasting on the stereo as the fireworks peoples attempted to shoot them off in sync to said song. 

3. Human Nature - Michael Jackson: This one kinda goes along with the first. There are so many things that we choose to do that we can't explain. Usually the simplest explanation is that it's just human nature. It is human nature to want to avoid pain. It is human nature to avoid things that we potentially see as bad. 

4. Bang Bang - Jessie J: I'm really glad that this song is not constantly played on the radio anymore. It's a good song but it can get annoying really quick, especially if you are not a fan of Jessie J. Every time I listen to it, I can't help but wish that Ariana Grande would embrace her younger years instead of trying to be so much older. 

5. Life's A Dance - John Michael Montgomery: This song is one of my all time favorite songs. It has such a great message! "Sink or swim, you gotta give it a whirl." "Don't worry about what you don't know." "The longer I live, the more I believe you do have to give if you want to receive." "Life's a dance, you learn as you go." The whole song is about not knowing what the outcome of a specific thing will be, but if you don't try, you will know! "Sometimes you lead. Sometimes you follow." It's really all about taking chances.

6. Slam Dunk - Five: Talk about a throwback. Also, I'm slightly embarrassed that I'm posting that this song is in fact on my playlist. I'm fairly certain that I wasn't even in middle school yet when this song came out. Side note: I really do have a very eclectic taste in music.