Sunday, November 29, 2015

Nice to Meet You

If I could meet anyone ever, it would have to be my younger self. I do not have any regrets in life, but there are some things that I would change if I were given another shot. For example, college. Yes, I graduated with a Bachelors of Science in International Business. I do not, however, have anywhere near the GPA that I should have gotten. I would go back and teach myself time management at an earlier age. I would also teach myself financial stability at an earlier age. I would probably also tell myself to take up tennis earlier and to invest more time and money in to it. Some other advice I would tell myself is to not sweat the small stuff. Why get worked up about something that doesn't really matter in the grand scheme of things? I think that my last piece of advice to myself would be to take more opportunities to travel. I'm almost 29 years old now and I have not been to nearly as many places as I would have liked. There's so much out there to do and see!

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