Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Complacent Ramblings

There comes a time in everyone's life where they start to get an itch. Since everyone is different, all of their longings and desires are different, as well. If you ignore this itch, or rather try to avoid it, then you end up with something along the lines of complacency. For example, if you've read any of my previous blogs, then you know that I love to travel. Ever since I studied abroad, I have wanted to go on my next adventure. Funding has made this a great obstacle. However, there comes a time when someone needs to stop making an excuse why they can't do something and make it happen. It is, after all, your dream or longing. My last blog included a little bit about my grand adventure supreme. I have started planning it (or, rather, reading up on Europe and taking notes about things I possibly will have some interest in). The reason I started planning it is because I realized that I need to stop telling myself to wait. I have decided that for now I will just need to work the three jobs in order to make it happen.

There are, of course, other things that you can get complacent about. These things come in the form of jobs, relationships, friendships, and just life in general. I also frequently get complacent with jobs. I get comfortable with what I'm doing and where I'm at and forget to set new goals for myself in order to keep a bit of change and to not get bored. When I run out of challenges, I probably won't stay at that job for too much longer, unless I really like a lot of the people I work with. When it comes to relationships, I feel that a lot of people end up getting comfortable and not experiencing anything new. It's great to have a date night, but if that only consists of sitting in front of the tv watching the same show every week, you're probably heading for a brick wall. Go bowling. Visit a new restaurant. Go on a flipping walk! New experiences and change also allow for new conversation to come about, thus being able to learn more about each other and in the process, growing closer together.

Friendships get complacent when one of the two ends up trying to ignore the qualms of the other and just saying "that's just how they are". Eventually, it will progress from that into a down right annoyance and then become something that just makes you angry. We all know how the majority of these friendships end up. As with life in general, sometimes you just don't realize what you need that keeps you on a level playing field. Usually every person has that one thing that is their release. If you don't take part in that past time then you will become a slow ticking time bomb. Bombs are bad. With that being sad, don't get complacent. Don't get so comfortable that you end up making excuses as to why you cannot do something or why you cannot feel a certain way. You are your own worst critic and nobody should be worthy enough to make you feel worse. Lastly, I saw a quote one time that read "nobody is important enough to make you angry". How true is that?

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