Have you ever been driving down the road stuck in traffic? You keep getting more and more irritated at the fact that traffic isn't really moving. Did I mention that you aren't all too familiar with the area you are driving in? Of course, this next scenario usually only happens in that ^ moment. Since you are growing increasingly irritated, you decide to find an alternate route. You start by turning on a road that seems like it's going to lead to another major road, but incidentally ends up running into just another road that looks fairly similar. You decide which way to turn and eventually you end up driving through a residential area. Down most of these roads is a sign that says No Outlet. When you keep seeing this sign, you grow even more irritated because if you would have just stayed on the main road then this would never have happened. You have to start backtracking and going over your old path to figure out where to start over again so that you can get out of this irritating situation. Sadly, I feel that this is very similar to what happens everyday.
Now, I don't know about you, but I think that I lead a fairly boring life. My jobs (all four of them) don't really ask for much (okay so one is a little more work). For example, my M/W job requires that I'm friendly with customers. That's basically it. I spend the majority of my day on facebook or playing computer games. Sometimes I'll read a book or stumble. As you can tell, not too much exertion. My T/R/F job requires more physical labor, but I wouldn't consider it hard by any means. Another thing is that it's mostly the exact same schedule every week. Monday - job A. Tuesday - job B, tennis. Wednesday - job A. Thursday - job B, job A, tennis. Friday - job B, job A, tennis. Saturday - job A, date night. Sunday - clean house. For those of you keeping track, job C is an independent-do-when-you-have-time job and I'm currently on LOA from job D. In a nutshell, I have a fairly routine system down. Sometimes when you get so routine, you tend to bottle up stuff that may or may not be important at the time. Smaller, more minute and pointless things start to irritate you. The irritation grows increasingly stronger and eventually, you want to take a new path. Sometimes this will be in the way of a job change. May be other things such as breaking up with a significant other, being aggressive all the time, having a short fuse, etc. All of this usually stems because there is no outlet.
Like mentioned before, I play tennis at least three times a week. For the longest time, this has been my outlet. But just like roads close, sometimes the outlet also because so routine that it's no longer your outlet. Granted, this doesn't happen too often with tennis with me, but when it does, it's usually because I've just let too much other stuff bottle up with it. Why is tennis my outlet? Because I love it. Some people even call me obsessed. My tv is constantly on the Tennis Channel and I check scores multiple times daily. Another reason it's my outlet is because it is physical exertion. The more that needs exerted, the harder I can wail on the ball (and boy does it feel good). A third reason that I call it my outlet is because that I can also do it by myself, if need be. Obviously, tennis is much better with two or more people. There comes a time when you just need to exert, and that's when you grab a bucket of balls and go hit some serves. Beside, practice is usually helpful. So why am I rambling about roads and tennis?
The other day, Mark and I were having a conversation about whatever. He mentioned that the reason he's been a little more stressed is he doesn't have his outlet anymore. I asked what it was and he said that he used to go to the gym. I asked why he couldn't go anymore. He then proceeded to tell me that someone needed to go with him. And (I've seen him at the gym before) there isn't too much exertion going on. I then told him about my theory about the outlet needing to be something that YOU love, not because someone else wants you to do it. I think I know Mark pretty well. The gym is not a love of his. It's also something that you need to WANT to do, sometimes even by yourself. If someone needs to hold your hand, it's more than likely just adding to the stress that you are supposed to be getting rid of.
Therefore, everyone should find an outlet to release their frustrations. Without them, you grow even more irritated and just have to backtrack your steps until you can start over again. The whole time you're backtracking, you scold yourself for being so stupid as to let yourself get into this mess. Also in that process, you have to come face to face with how you did. I'm not saying that your outlet should be your way of expressing feelings and genuine concerns to others. I think it is, however, a great way of letting go of the small stuff that doesn't even matter, just like in the wink of an eye.
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